Saturday, August 8, 2009

Driving Lesson

Today's lesson is about how to properly yield when the sign says you should "yield."
My commute from work to home consists of 3 freeways, a street, a parking lot, and a parking space. In the transition from that last freeway unto the city streets I have to exit the freeway, and merge across three lanes of traffic, in less than 50 feet, in order to make a right hand turn.

Now, these three lanes of traffic are coming from frontage road. Can anyone possibly imagine how difficult this merge is? Well, actually it is fairly easy, or should be, because the frontage road has a yield sign. Meaning, those drivers have to yield to traffic exiting the freeway. However, do you really think any driver is going to take 10 seconds out of their day and yield, as the sign says they are to, as the law says they are to do, so that I can make the turn I need in order to get home? Nope. They do not. Consequently, I have to turn into a huge Bee.I.Tea.Cee.H, force myself between vehicles, cross my fingers that oncoming cars in the other lanes can slow down in time of my cutting them off, and *sigh* make that well deserved right hand turn on my final stretch of road before pulling into my parking lot, and stopping in the parking space.

So, word of advice YIELD, when you have a “Yield” sign! It is only the right thing to do, the courteous thing to do, and the law. Plus, 10 seconds is not taking that much time from your life.


  1. We'd yield for you! And we'll definitely teach you to walk in heels, buy designer clothes and love ya unconditionally (especially since conditioner can cause severe dry hair).

    No need to meow. : )
