Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Couple Friends

Text Conversation:

US“Hey Bro [clearly not me texting here] do you and Jane* want to get together and do something tonight?”
THEM“Sure what do you have in mind?”
US “Dinner and a movie? OR we could just hang out by the pool, catch up, and relax.”

[Jeopardy music playing in the background]

30 minutes later…

THEM“Hey Bro [clearly directed towards Lover], Jane just passed out on the couch, I don’t think tonight is a good night.”

So, this was at 6:30 pm on a Friday night. Yea, Lover and I need new friends. I mean, seriously? If you didn’t want to hang out, why wouldn’t someone just say he or she wasn’t in the mood? OR if you didn’t like ideas, why wouldn’t you suggest something else?

On another night, Lover and I were going to gather a bunch of our friends together and have a big dinner. There were 20 people (including us). Within 24 hours of the dinner, 16 people backed out! The only people who went to the dinner was me, Lover, my Mom, and Step-Dad.

I really don’t think that something is wrong with us, because we are good people. Wait, did I mention that these were all HIS friends that were backing out?

Don’t be mistaken, my friends back out too. Only, my friends consist of my Dad’s ex girlfriend (ya, I know) and her boyfriend (who I can’t stand). She sort of tells me the truth though. She is a 33 year-old-woman, with 2 divorces, and 3 kids, who is not “allowed” to hang out with me. Her boyfriend thinks that I, a 20 year-old young woman with 3 degrees, no kids, and a loving boyfriend, is a bad influence. Who are we kidding here? The saddest part of it all, is that she listens. Yup.She.Listens.

So… I will say it again. Lover and I need new friends, non flaky ones, who enjoy going out. You can be single or a couple. Although, we do ask that if you are a couple, you cannot be consumed in your relationship, because if you are consumed in your relationship you will only want to hang out with the other partner, and THAT would make you like our current friends.

Anyone else in the market? We will send you our resume!

*name changed to protect identity :P

1 comment:

  1. Me and my Hubs went through this last year. It sucked. But we got some new friends and now we are fun again! I hope you meet many new and exciting people soon!
