Monday, February 22, 2010

Night Baby

I love Cinderella; she is the light of both mine and Lover’s life. However, I still feel like I am entitled to strongly dislike her and specific points in time.

This weekend Cinderella was AWFUL! Horrible, horrible, horrible. She made it VERY easy to NOT miss her after being dropped off at Baby Momma’s house.

She woke up every hour from midnight until 3. In which she would not go to sleep until she was picked up and rocked back to sleep. It was at 3 that I finally gave in and just laid her on my chest and went to bed myself. She feel asleep, I fell asleep and all was well. I woke up sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 in the morning, put Cinderella in her crib and passed out. Cinderella woke up sometime around 7 and refused to go back to sleep.

She was NOT my favorite person this weekend. I still don’t think I miss her much right now.

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