Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I Should...

Lately (meaning the last 2 months or so), I have not, under any circumstances wanted to go to work. Getting out of bed to get ready for work has become a chore instead of routine. This is precisely why I had compiled this list of the top 20 reasons why I, of all people, should win the big one. Yes, I am referring to the lottery. I am not, however, referring to just the million dollar jackpot. I want the jackpot of jackpots, the big cojones!

*clears throat* So, to begin.

1. My job sucks.
2. I don't get paid enough money to do my job.
3. They took away my overtime. Thus, they took away my grocery money.
4. Number three means they LITERALLY took food from my table.
5. I am a good person.
6. I would give a lot of it away to charity/use the money for good causes.
7. I could be a stay at home Mom. This means my kids would get the love and guidance they need/deserve preventing from being a common criminals (saving tax dollars) and allowing them to be successful (giving more tax dollars).
8. I would be less cranky.
9. I could pay off my student loans.
10. Number 9 means I would be giving money BACK to the government; thus, helping the USA get out of debit.
11. Number 9 means I would no longer be taking money from the government; thus, helping USA stay out debit.
12. I could open my own business.
13. I could open my own business without taking grants from the government.
14. Another business means more money to the government.
15. I would travel within the US.
16. Number 15 would stimulate the economies of all the states.
17. I would travel internationally.
18. Number 18 would contribute positively to foreign affairs.
19. I'd give my family/close friends money to get them out of debt; giving them more disposable income. We all know the positive effects of disposable income.
20. The cosmetic products, clothing, and shoes alone that I'd buy would be enough to keep the area booming for many centuries to come.

As you can see, the economy, government, and general public would be much better off through my winning the lottery.


  1. It seems like you sure gave this a lot of thought. I think if you write the lotto corporation a letter accompanied by a photo of you looking sad and very dirty, you might just be a millionare.

    I have something for you over at my blog :)

  2. That's a GREAT idea! I never thought of writing a letter. Maybe I can copy the idea from the Shawshank Redemption and write a letter a week until they give me what I want!

  3. I can totally relate, they cut all of my company's salaries by 10 % (except of course for the assholes at the top), so I look at it as them stealing my food and wasting my utilities..hahaha

  4. Yea, see? Corporate America! F them! I don't even get a Cost of Living raise! :(

  5. That list should do it. I think you'll win tomorrow!

