Friday, October 16, 2009

Mrs. No Holey Jeans

Recently, I mention Mrs. No Holey Jeans (or Mrs. NHJ) in a post and thought I should explain how said co-worker developed this name.

Now, I work in the oil industry. No one ever comes to our office and when they do they look like a homeless person due to the oil/dirt/grime he or she is covered in. So, there is no need to dress in the business casual attire. Plus, the company does not have a dress code established. Therefore, I see no need to "dress to impress."

Before you Baby Booming judgmentals get on my case about how us youngsters are destroying the work environment and all that jazz, here me out.

I would never come to work in shorts (even though the summer days in Arizona are unbearable). I would never wear sweatpants or anything that looked like a work out uniform. I ALWAYS wear my hair down (only on rare days so I wear it in a bun). I would never leave my house without make-up on. My point? I don't look like some trashy girl. I look presentable and appropriate - not to mention comfortable. Mon-Fri I wear a "business casual" top and never wear T-shirts (unless the company logo is on them AND it's a Friday).

I don't feel comfortable in dresses or skirts. So, I would never wear those to work. Heels are uncomfortable and ruin my feet, so I always wear flip flops and I always wear jeans or capris.

On Fridays, I don't see anything wrong with coming to work in a tank top and "stylish" pair of jeans. You know those jeans that you can buy anywhere, and they have the strategically places holes in them? The ones that you buy that way? I love holey jeans! They just look to worn and comfortable.

Now, it had been a year that I wore a pair of holey jeans on Friday. The Republican, Baby Boomers at my company laughed, but never told me that it was inappropriate.

Then, Mrs. NHJ, who always has to put her nose in everything told me that I was not allowed to wear these jeans to work anymore. *ahem* Excuse me? Yup, The Bitch told me, after a year or my wearing these jeans to work, that I COULD NOT wear them.

Who the fuck is she. Oh! AND to top it off, she told me that my boss (still calling him Ray) agreed. Well, that is funny Mrs. NHJ, because I believe it was just last week that he was joking with me about them and even gave me a pointer on where I might find some more, for a cheaper price. I'm on to you, Bitch!

That, is how said co-worker established the name of Mrs. No Holey Jeans almost 1 year ago today.

This co-worker gets on my nerves, is unreasonable, HAS to have things done her way (even when she isn't the one doing anything in regard to what you are doing), always has an opinion which she thinks is better than everyone else’s, complains that her Coach reading glasses holder is too big, AND lives in the richest, most snobbiest place in AZ.

I finally found out why this old hag was so damned ornery... She used to work for Enron. Which means that she most likely lost most (if not all) of her retirement and will probably be working until she dies. Plus, she's never had kids, been in the oil business FAR TOO long, doesn't like me (even though I have done nothing to her) AND... is the sole reason why I dread going to work every morning.

At one point, she even had the nerve to make a comment that I probably made more money than her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Bitch please! She was serious. I don't know where she gets that shit from!!! She makes AT LEAST double what I make in a year, including tuition reimbursement. She is like 61 years old and been in the oil industry since she was 18. Like a 20 year old makes more than her. UGH!


  1. What a bitch! I love holey jeans, too! I hope you walk by her desk every time you wear them to let her know that you've got them on.

  2. She's probably just jealous that you can rock holy jeans and she can't.

  3. @PrettyDark I'm not allowed to wear them to work anymore. I wore a pair of smaller holey jeans the next week. She looked at me, got pissed off, and said "didn't we talk about this." I HATE her!

    @ladytruth lol. She certainly can't rock them. She did try to rock the whole shirt off the shoulder 80s thing once. Her reasoning is stupid! I HATE her! lol..
